For several months now, whenever you try to outline a picture of the current market situation linked to any production technology, you have to deal with the effects that the spread of Covid-19 has had on a global scale. A situation that has blocked industrial activities in a more or less important way, and going back upstream has also affected investments relating to production plants. However, if we want to find encouraging aspects in this difficult moment, we can consider how this scenario has highlighted even more some trends that had already emerged in a decisive way in recent times: two above all the need to automate production more and to complete digitization. processes. In fact, most of the investments launched last year were regularly concluded, or at most only postponed pending a return to a situation of greater stability, but the willingness of companies to introduce more advanced solutions has not been affected. To get a more detailed profile of the current situation regarding market and technological trends, TecnoLamiera has collected the opinions of some of the main players in the field of press brakes. Necessity and possibility

Necessity and possibility The icebreaker is Silvia Bragagnolo of Asaf, who emphasizes the importance of rethinking the approach to customers, paying attention to both the technical aspects and the ways in which to complete the investment. «In this period, so painful and delicate, companies are called to face important choices that will have to contemplate bailout in the short term but also a strategic review in the long term. For this reason, I believe that a new and different approach to the market is necessary both through a radical reinterpretation of demand, increasingly oriented towards flexibility and just-in-time, and thanks to the identification of new growth opportunities, also driven by even more use. decided on digital. In fact, I am aware that the actions undertaken today by companies will have a significant impact on the speed of recovery from the crisis and for this reason I believe that immediate action is necessary to deal with short-term liquidity problems, but also to solve those related to costs and profitability and generate budgets to invest in new technologies. In this particular period Asaf is responding to the changing needs of the market by proposing on the one hand the adoption of highly integrated systems according to Industry 4.0 such as hybrid and servo-electric bending solutions and, on the other, customized payment formulas on the purchase. of the new, as well as an ever more timely and professional assistance service able to satisfy the most varied customer needs ».

……. Silvia Bragagnolo of Asaf reiterates the importance of introducing greater automation, alongside this theme also that of energy efficiency. “To be competitive on today’s market it is essential to optimize every industrial process to the maximum, maximizing productivity, reducing production times and machine downtime and minimizing waste, rejects and possible errors by the operator. Baykal’s latest hybrid and servo-electric bending solutions provide a perfect answer to these needs, even more when combined with automated robotic stations. With them it is possible to switch to a fully automated bending process capable of guaranteeing lower energy consumption (up to 62% energy and CO emissions savings compared to the traditional hydraulic solution), very low maintenance costs. low (-65%), eliminating the need for skilled operators, quiet working mode, saving more than 70% oil, faster working speed. In the comparative tests the Baykal APES-Servo and APHS-Hybrid have in fact shown to be up to 30% faster than a traditional type press brake ». Tecnolamiera October 2020 by Davide Davò

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